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1 on 1 Coaching

Tired stressed mother taking a nap with

You're tired. Sometimes it's hard to think straight let alone try to figure out what you need or want to

feel like yourself again. 

You want to feel good, have energy, and

be the mom you have always envisioned. 

We understand. 

Your Way Back is a live 2 hour online workshop designed exclusively for moms who are seeking the way to put the "me" back into their lives. Your Way Back combines specific prompts along with The LifePulse Process    to

help moms identify the meaningful core values that may have diminished in the workload, responsibilities, and demands of motherhood.


The LifePulse Process    is an exact sequence of steps that will help you explore your thinking and your life in a way that pinpoints what needs to be prioritized, fulfilled, or maybe just recognized as more significant and valuable to you than you had realized.    


Or you might discover something that's been neglected or ignored, perhaps something buried under self-doubt, guilt, or fear....sometimes for years! 



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Feel the familiar.

Find the time.

This fun, fast, and effective process generates a renewed sense of identity and well being because it taps into an often unmet but familiar need, want, or way of being. Say "It's time!" and start creating a reality that includes, and yes, esteems an essential piece of YOU. Say it's time to soul-search, question, prioritize, and make choices that lead to the kind of life you want, a life that intuitively and decisively feels right. 


The woman within exists, and needs to be expressed as vividly as the mom who shows up everyday for others.  

What can Your Way Back do for you?

What can Your Way Back do for you?

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  • Help you focus on your core values and illuminate key pieces of your life that matter most to you in this moment. Many things matter, but three core values will surface because they "speak to you" for reasons that may even be unclear to you until explored. 

  • Help you assess your situation and allow you to see what changes need to be made so that your life becomes more abundant and fulfilling in ways you need or want right now.

  • Expose areas in your life that need emphasis in ways that make a difference to you and your overall well being and health.

  • Help you organize your thoughts and actions in a way that provides great clarity and a path to the change you want for yourself. 

  • Help you get specific on the details of what you want, how you envision yourself and your life, and how to manifest it. 

  • Help you strategize and then determine the action plan that emphasizes what you discovered during The LifePulse Process. 

  • Help you strategize and choose the most productive ways to achieve your desired outcome.

  • Teach you the seven principles of success that top achievers subscribe to when pursuing a meaningful goal. ​

  • Help you achieve better moods, more energy, higher self-esteem and confidence, better relationships, less angst, more patience, and more ease moving through life, especially as a mom.

Feel the joy. 

Notice the difference. 


You work really hard every day and tend to be generous to a fault, full of good intentions, and often falling short of your own self-imposed expectations (or so you think). You don't always think you know what you're doing, but you get up every morning and do it anyway .... because that's what a mom does. You take care of things, especially those you love.

Unfortunately, you don't always apply the same care to yourself. You often forget to nurture yourself in ways that can keep you healthy, stable, and happy at your core. And more often than not, you forget to "fill your well" or remind yourself  that "mom" is only one piece of your greater whole self.   You do have your own needs, wants, interests, goals, and ambitions.

Please, ask yourself these questions.

~ Do you rarely get out with just your friends, your spouse, or by yourself?

~ Do you find that you're prone to negative thinking about yourself or motherhood?

~ Is your life void of things that used to make you happy or things you used to love doing?

~ Do you find yourself getting irritated often by small things that your children or spouse do?

~ Do you cry more than usual, or find yourself wanting to drink or use other mood altering substances?

~ Do you feel like everyone - and their needs - come before you and your needs and you resent it?

~ Do you feel that you don't have the time, energy or support to do many of the things that are

   important to you personally?

~ Do you feel invisible as though the "real" you is not showing up, not noticed, or pushed aside for

  "more important things"?

Do you find yourself asking, "What happened to me?"

Join a workshop, today.

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